Adopt an animal program

Why adopt?

Farmed animals require a great deal of care. Most of them have been selectively bred to grow at unnatural rates in the shortest amount of time to be the most profitable. When they are allowed to live out their lifespan, many issues crop up like arthritis, cancers and splitting hooves.

Your symbolic adoption provides critical funding for nutrition, veterinary care, enriched environments and caretakers.

Enjoy learning about our animals for adoption by clicking on their names below for complete bios.

When you become a monthly adopter, you also become an official Rowdy Club member! 

To sponsor an animal, please check out our wonderful animal ambassadors below, then choose your level and frequency of support (Rowdy, Rebel, Radical or Renegade, and monthly, quarterly or yearly). When you check out, indicate the animal you want to adopt.




Monthly Minimum
($1,200 Yearly Minimum)

At the “Rowdy” level you receive:

  • A digital & printed certficate
  • An 8×10 print of your animal
  • A pillow with your animal after six months
  • A blanket with your animal after one year



Monthly Minimum
($600 Yearly Minimum)

At the “Rebel” level you receive:

  • A digital & printed certficate
  • An 8×10 print of your animal



Monthly Minimum
($360 Yearly Minimum)

At the “Radical” level you receive:

  • A digital & printed certficate



Monthly Minimum
($180 Yearly Minimum)

At the “Renegade” level you receive:

  • A digital certficate

Adopt an Animal by selecting your frequency: