Jeddo’s Story
Jeddo’s story began when the team moved to the new property in Waelder. A fence builder discovered an orphaned calf at the edge of the land. The team searched for Jeddo for three whole days. He was only a few days old and still had some of his umbilical cord attached! When they finally managed to catch him, Jeddo had been without food or water for a week, so they had to force-feed him a bottle. He was severely malnourished.

The team couldn’t be happier to have Jeddo at Rowdy Girl Sanctuary.

Jeddo required bottle feeding for six full months, twice a day, every day. Initially, he was very skittish and didn’t trust humans much. It’s uncertain what he experienced or how he became separated from his mother at such a young age. However, he was incredibly fortunate to have found his way to the sanctuary. Now, Jeddo has transformed from a weak and emaciated calf into a healthy young steer, likely thanks to all the carrots he loves to snack on!