Kaporos Rescues

Cornish Cross Chickens

Kaporos Rescues’ Story

Our journey with the Kaporos rescues began when we welcomed six Cornish Cross chickens, who were rescued from the cruel ritual in Brooklyn, New York, by The Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos. This organization is dedicated to replacing the use of chickens in Kaporos ceremonies with money or other non-animal symbols of atonement. Thanks to their efforts, we were able to provide sanctuary for Marshmallow, Snow White, Ivory, Cotton, Alabaster, and Crystal.

But the story didn’t end there. The following year, we had the honor of providing sanctuary for four more Kaporos rescues, brought to us with the help of Tamerlaine Sanctuary, who made the long journey from Brooklyn to bring us these four beautiful birds—Coconut, Eloise, Miss Lily, and Mona Lisa—who now call our sanctuary home. They are learning what it means to live free from harm, exploitation, and cruelty.