Little Bit & Savannah
Charolais Cows

Little Bit and Savannah’s Story
Little Bit and Savannah were rescued from a cattle ranch in Nacogdoches–the same cattle ranch that Grace and baby Randy came from. A fellow cattle rancher’s wife, Mary Jo, reached out to us after her daughter discovered our story. Mary Jo loves these beautiful souls and, much like my path, could not endure seeing Little Bit go to slaughter just because she couldn’t have babies anymore. Little Bit, a mother with a prolapsed uterus is deemed useless in a cattle ranch operation. That meant DEATH for her without a soft place to land–that soft place is Rowdy Girl Sanctuary. Little Bit and her last baby Savannah were both spared and are now living their lives free at RGS.

Now comes the really sweet part. See, Grace and Little Bit knew each at the cattle ranch in Nacogdoches and when Little Bit started mooing, guess who came to greet her at the fence line–you guessed it GRACE & RANDY! Out of all our cows no one else came to say hello so that goes to show you that these animals form lasting bonds and communities just like us! It made my heart feel so good to see them reconnecting.
They are going to fit right in around here and we are always so happy to see our friends Mary Jo and Vernis when they come out to visit. Cattle ranchers are changing but it takes time. Their way of life is rooted and grounded in tradition and culture. They aren’t the problem the system is!