Sage’s Story
The kind of trust found with a baby goat is beyond words. Just look at her! The Animal Control Service that found her wandering loose was dedicated to placing her in a loving environment where she would never be eaten or harmed.
Animal control centers are often places where unwanted animals end up, such as strays or wild animals captured in populated areas. Her kennel sign read “unwanted.” Can anyone look into Sage’s eyes and feel anything but undying affection? The maternal instincts of those at Rowdy Girl Sanctuary have kicked in, and they will protect this kid as if she were their own.

Everyone will be watching Sage grow up right here at Rowdy Girl, and it’s certain that, just like her name implies, she will be full of wisdom and sage advice. She already has the horizon-staring gaze of a wise old sage! But for now, she’s just a playful kid, already looking for things to climb onto—let the fun begin!