Evening feeding at the sanctuary had just wrapped up when some commotion was heard at the front gate. It was rare for anyone to show up at Rowdy Girl unannounced, but there stood a frantic young girl with three hens that needed a home.
Rowdy Girl Sanctuary follows a process for those wishing to surrender their animals. An intake form must be completed and reviewed to determine if the sanctuary has the necessary resources—such as budget, space, and caregivers—to provide a home for the animal.
The girl at the gate was sobbing as she told her story. In an attempt to do a good deed, she had purchased the hens from a feed store to replace a friend’s hens that had been killed by a predator the night before. However, the friend didn’t want them, fearing they too would be killed.
After finding no one to adopt them, she turned to Rowdy Girl for help.
Unfortunately, Nod passed away a few days after she arrived.

