V-COP19: Roadmap to a Vegan World

Climate Healers, spearheaded by Sailesh Rao, is at the forefront of transformative environmental advocacy. Driven by a profound vision for a sustainable future, Climate Healers and Sailesh Rao champion regenerative solutions, ecological restoration, and a conscious...

ABC “More in Common”

The Rowdy Girl Sanctuary story reached a national audience on the “More in Common” news program on ABC.

CBS Evening News

Renee’s story about going vegan on her husband’s Texas cattle ranch went viral across America on CBS Evening News.

Texas Country Reporter

Rowdy Girl Sanctuary was featured on Texas Country Report. They did a great job of telling our story.

Texas is Going Vegan

Jane Velez-Mitchell and Renee, founder of RGS, co-wrote this catchy country tune about Texas Going Vegan.