On June 2, 2024, I had the opportunity to speak my heart’s truth at the National Animal Rights Day event in New York City. This event, organized in NYC by Jamie Logan and worldwide by Our Planet, Theirs Too, Animal Save, Anonymous for the Voiceless and We the Free, is a growing, revolutionary movement to bring the truth to the public – through our collective grief and hope. With speeches, poems, songs, performances, marches and direct action, this day is an incredible demonstration of our purpose to end animal exploitation. I was honored to be a speaker at this event where I could pour out my heart and be heard by the people who truly get it and are on the vanguard of ethical progress for our culture.

Doing this work can be soul crushing. I am driven by an intense passion but it takes a toll. Having this space to air my grief and desire for animal liberation and really be heard was invaluable. I felt buoyed by our collective work and intention and held by the united compassion of our hearts. This is truly a special and historic day and I encourage you to get involved and participate next June. We are building a critical mass of resistance to our system of speciesist tyranny.

It was very powerful being there as a former cattle rancher who experienced a vegan spiritual awakening. Our story brings hope and possibility and it is our members who allow us to keep spreading this message far and wide, ensuring that the monthly costs of caring for our many animals are covered. We need to see this system end, y’all. I need it. I long for the day that I will be able to see with my own eyes, the liberation of all animals.