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Past Appearances

The 5th Annual Humane Hoax Online Conference was held on Saturday, February 24, 2024. Attendees heard presentations from experts and activists on informative and interesting aspects of humanewashing and greenwashing. 

Renee gave a presentation on “There’s No Right Way to do the Wrong Thing”.

for Human Earth Animal Liberation (HEAL)

Calling all Vitally Engaged Guardians of Animals and Nature (VEGANs)!

V-COP16: VEGAN Convergence Of the Peoples #16 online Jan 27-28, 2024, for a two-day fun-filled, brain-swarming weekend.

Renee spoke on the  “From Addiction to Healing” panel with Jane Velez-Mitchell.


Renee will be the keynote speaker at the Whole Planet Spirituality Retreat in October hosted by The Spiritual Forum. The theme this year is Peace Begins with Me. 

Retreat Details  | Download Flyer

Whole Food Plant Based Potluck at First Methodist Church, Seguin

Renee told her story as guest speaker at this free event for the community. Watch her presentation:

Renee spoke at the AVA Summit in Los Angeles July 27-30, 2023. The AVA Summit is an overarching conference series for the animal and vegan advocacy movement, bringing advocates together from around the world who are focusing on systemic change and working on various tactics, strategies, and approaches toward one shared vision: removing animals from our food system and other human use.

Download Christian Vegan Advocacy Presentation – rksonnen

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September 21, 2020 –

August 29, 2020 –

April 9-13, 2020 – Event Info

February 15, 2020 –

Photos on Facebook

Vegan World 2026! Solutions Summit

Vegan World 2026! Solutions Summit

Watch Videos Here

Click Here for Videos and Photos of Appearance

Animal Studies Initiative and the Animal Welfare Collective at New York University Panel – November 10th

Renee participated on a panel in New York next fall about the role of farm animal sanctuaries in the animal rights movement. The panel, which feature three other sanctuary founders and directors and will be moderated by Jasmin Singer of Our Hen House, will endeavor to present the many and varied perspectives on this important topic. The topics will range from the direction sanctuaries will play in the future to the strengths and weaknesses of them as a system for animal liberation. With an audience comprised of NYU’s vibrant animal rights community, and drawing on the city’s activists, and supported by strong social media and traditional promotional campaigns, they expect a lively discussion and Q&A session.

Farmed Animal Sanctuaries: Saving the World or Just a Few Animals?

Date: Thursday, November 10, 2016

Time: 6:00-7:30pm

Place: NYU Kimmel Center for University Life (60 Washington Sq. S) — Room 905/907

Moderator: Mariann Sullivan (Our Hen House)

Panelists: Kathy Stevens (Catskill Animal Sanctuary) and Renee King-Sonnen (Rowdy Girl Sanctuary) and Indra Lahiri (Indraloka Animal Sanctuary)

Description: With the rise in public consciousness about animal welfare, veganism, and the cruelty behind animal agriculture, farmed animal sanctuaries are becoming more widely visited and, in many cases, celebrated, for their work. What are the main ethical struggles that face farmed animal sanctuary leaders? How can these spaces remain free from exploitation, while continuing to successfully open up the hearts and minds of their visitors and followers? What role will sanctuaries play, and what shape will they take in the future of the animal welfare movement? Host of the “Our Hen House” podcast and the “Animal Law Podcast” and Lecturer in Animal Law at Columbia Law School, Mariann Sullivan, will moderate a panel of three widely respected farmed sanctuary executives directors — Kathy Stevens of Catskill Animal Sanctuary, Renee King-Sonnen of Rowdy Girl Sanctuary, and Indra Lahiri of Indraloka Animal Sanctuary — about the struggles and successes of farmed animal sanctuaries and how to best move forward for a future that acknowledges and respects all animals.


Vegan Movie PosterVegan Movie World Premiere – Illuminiate Film Festival, Sedona, AZ – June 4th

Renee King Sonnen (founder of Rowdy Girl Sanctuary), and her former Rancher husband, Tommy, are one of the 4 vegan stories that are followed in this epic journey of the heart, mind and soul – chocked full of a cast of vegan celebrities that weave a tapestry of reasons that going vegan is not as hard or weird as you might think.  If a rancher in Texas can do it, anybody can!  See the trailer of the featured Vegan Movie HERE

Vegan: Everyday Stories will be premiered at the Illuminate Film Festival in Sedona, Arizona, on June 4th. Click here to learn more.


Asheville VeganFest

Asheville VeganFest – June 11 & 12

Renee will be a guest speaker and included on a panel during the 2 day Vegan Fest.

Join us for a celebration of compassionate living in one of the top vegan-friendly cities in the country! Saturday, June 11th & Sunday, June 12th. On Saturday, listen to speakers from around the country as they tackle the latest vegan issues. On Sunday, enjoy an outdoor festival with over 100 vendors showcasing vegan food, beer, lifestyle products and more! Click here to learn more.


Animal Rights ConferenceAnimal Rights National Conference – July 7th-10th

Renee is invited by Alex Hershaft of F.A.R.M to be a celebrated guest of the Los Angeles, CA National Animal Rights Conference – July 7 – 10, 2016

The Animal Rights National Conference is the U.S. animal rights movement’s annual national conference. It is also the world’s largest and longest-running animal rights gathering, hailing back to 1981. It is the only conference open to all points of view on achieving animal liberation.

Click here to learn more.