Harvey Updates

Hurricane Harvey unleased its devastation in 2017. We survived with the support of our members and supporters.

Below we’ve documented the heroic work done by caregivers and volunteers to spare our animal residents.

Saturday, 9/23/17

Friday, 9/22/17

Thursday, 9/21/17

Wednesday, 9/20/17

Monday, 9/18/17

Saturday, 9/16/17

Thursday, 9/14/17

Tuesday, 9/12/17

Sunday, 9/10/17

Friday, 9/18/17

Wednesday, 9/16/17

Saturday, 9/2/17

Friday, 9/1/17

Thursday, 8/31/17

Wednesday, 8/30/17

Tuesday, 8/29/17

Monday, 8/28/17

Sunday, 8/27/17

Saturday, 8/26/17