In Loving Memory



The Guinness World Record for the oldest cow is 48 years and 9 months. Sofie is believed to be 37 years old. Prepare yourselves for this story! Sofie was considered a living sacrifice by her caretakers, and as a symbol of faith by the church who healed Sofie when she...

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Danny & Doogie

Danny & Doogie

Their owners raised these two beautiful creatures since they were only a few weeks old and grew to love them as part of their family. You can see and hear the love they have for these two beings. They decided to surrender them to Rowdy Girl Sanctuary to give them hope...

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Roo was one of those horses that everyone loved. He was sweet, mild natured and reminiscent of a Unicorn. He had one blue eye and one brown eye and I always said that if you looked just right you could see an iridescent spiral coming forth from between his eyes. 🦄 Roo...

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Muley was one of the original herd when Tommy bought the Angleton property in 2002. She had distinctive big ears like a mule and so she got the name Muley. She had many calves that ended up at the sale barn but once we became a sanctuary those days ended.  Neither...

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 Sunrise was rescued from a cockfighting ring bust in Alvin, TX. He was just one of over 200 roosters confiscated. Sunrise was one of the many roosters that was bred to fight to the death. He was worth a small fortune on the streets because of his training. Well, now...

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Chirp Chirp

Chirp Chirp

  Chirp Chirp came to me a little itty bitty baby. He was hand-raised by a woman who was sick, and cuddled him all day. After Chirp Chirp’s carer got really bad dementia, she couldn’t take care of Chirp Chirp anymore. That's when a family member reached out to us...

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Omen was the one that got away.  Omen was a rescue from a BIG Arkansas plant. One day, a member of my team - Riyuji - and I were at one of the farms we work with when we passed a major chicken plant, a great big one. I was unable to resist the temptation to turn...

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Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson

 This guy's name wasn’t always Michael Jackson. We had called him Mary Sarah at first because we thought he was a girl! When we found out that he was a boy we renamed him MJ. Michael was found with his friend Daisy. His rescuer claimed to have found him while he was...

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 Dolly was found one day running for her life when a young girl saw her being chased down the street by some dogs. That day Dolly had slid into the heart of her young savior. And the adrenaline must have really kicked in because the girl managed to chase this poor...

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Shade was an apartment duck. Yep, you read that right! She was an owner surrender to us after her mom got a job as a FEMA worker and would not be able to take Shade along on her long travels. It was hard for us to take Shade because of how much we could see that her...

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This here is Sealy. She came to us by the way of a lady who had adopted this baby turkey from Sealy, TX thinking that she was a chicken! But lo and behold, Sealy  grew up to be a turkey. Talk about a surprise! Sealy was a great treat to have for her family. Everybody...

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Spot was the matriarch of the herd. She could tell you the story of Rowdy Girl long before it was a Sanctuary! She was here when Tommy moved to the ranch in Angleton in 2001. Most likely born around 1998, Spot was about 20 years old when she passed away - the oldest...

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  In the fall of 2016 I got an email from a lady about a steer named Charger. Charger is a beautiful Charlois and was abandoned by an FFA student before time to show him in his local FFA chapter school event. The email really pulled at my heartstrings. The...

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Martin’s story began when he was noticed by a woman named Kami Anderson. She had always wanted to rescue a calf bound for slaughter, and not long after setting her sights on Martin she struck up a conversation with a rancher named Larry. Before you know it, these two...

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Alena Hidalgo of Pearland, Texas, was one of those teens. She spent months getting to know Gizmo, the pig she purchased through the FFA. It didn’t take long for the two to bond as she played with him every day and made sure his pen was squeaky clean. When she looked...

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Penny was born into a system that sell pigs to kids, and lets them raise them for 6 months, show them, then slaughter them. But Penny lived a live on Rowdy Girl Sanctuary with people that loved her and other animal friends. Penny was smart and knew the game, she would...

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Stormy’s Story ~ Our blind 3 month old Calf ~ The Light of Rowdy Girl Sanctuary Stormy came to us as a three-month-old baby and she was blind. Her momma had a problem nursing and it wasn’t detected until after little Stormy went septic and the infection went to...

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Murray came to us in 2016 from a horse sanctuary that did not have the resources to host him. Representatives searched for a sanctuary that would take Murray and seven other cows.  After calling many sanctuaries that could not take them in, they found Rowdy Girl...

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Herman – Gone But Not Forgotten

Herman – Gone But Not Forgotten

Herman was an 11 year old pot belly pig that came to us from a high kill shelter.  He was abandoned when his owner died.  The family members never came to pick him up. We didn’t know how we were going to be able to adopt him since we were not fully operational yet and...

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Chi Chi & Alana

Chi Chi & Alana

Words cannot describe the moment when Lillie, a Brazoria County FFA Mom, said YES to Rowdy Girl Sanctuary rescuing Chi Chi & Alana.  The video at the bottom of the page vividly describes in real time how the rescue unfolded.  We were very grateful to our Brazoria...

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Cooper was a Spanish Breed Heritage turkey and came to us at 3 months old. Cooper, like so many young turkeys spend their young lives in very small cages in feed stores awaiting to be bought to be fattened up for a human’s holiday dinner. As fate would it, a kind lady...

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Libby aka "Liberty" came to Rowdy Girl Sanctuary last July. She was a Red Rhode Island chicken that was surrendered to us by a volunteer that rescued her from a fate that would have landed her in the food industry. Libby was always different - she was a solitary girl...

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