
Muley was one of the original herd when Tommy bought the Angleton property in 2002. She had distinctive big ears like a mule and so she got the name Muley. She had many calves that ended up at the sale barn but once we became a sanctuary those days ended. 

Neither she, nor her babies ever left her again. Ring Leader is still here at Rowdy Girl and is one of her daughters that was spared. 

After we became a sanctuary we noticed that Muley’s feet were deforming. We took her to the vet and it was discovered that she had a disease called laminitis and for the rest of her life she would have to have her hooves trimmed regularly until that eventual day when trimming would no longer work. When that day came, Muley was very crippled. But, her zest for life was infectious. 


Before we moved to Waelder, Muley walked out into our pond like she always had before to cool off but she couldn’t get back out. She was stuck. She tried for several hours to get out but when we discovered she was tiring out and that it was not gonna happen, Tommy went into action to figure out a way to rescue her. 

Fast forward to Waelder. When we found our beloved calf Jeddo dumped in our pasture with his umbilical cord still attached, he needed hours of care per day and had to be bottle fed 3 times a day. Muley became his surrogate mom and protector. If Tommy would’ve sent Muley to the sale barn we would’ve never experienced the miracle of Muley and her love for Jeddo.