
Murray came to us in 2016 from a horse sanctuary that did not have the resources to host him.

Representatives searched for a sanctuary that would take Murray and seven other cows.  After calling many sanctuaries that could not take them in, they found Rowdy Girl Sanctuary. We mobilized to make space for Murray and his friends, who are now living happily at Rowdy Girl Sanctuary.

Murray was severely malnourished when originally rescued and needed to be nursed back to health. He was at a healthy weight, but his massive frame was bearing down on his joints and he  developed arthritis. His ankle and hoof often had to be bandaged because of a chronic abscess.  After constant treatment and care,  he  ended up not having any recurrences But he did need to take an anti-inflammatory every single day. He was such a good boy though! He would gobble it right down when it was buried inside of a banana or an orange. Since he was considered geriatric we constantly had to observe his condition daily to keep him comfortable.

We are so sad to let you know of our beloved Murray’s passing. Many of yall met Murray, and fed him lots of apples and bananas. It’s been a sad time for us here at Rowdy Girl, particularly for Renee, Tommy and Big Bird. Please watch Tommy’s and Renee’s eulogy below to our beloved boy.  We love you, Murray.