Rowdy Girl Sanctuary wins book publishing package for Veganuary's "Choose Chicken-Free Week"

(worth $8,997/£7,240)

The Vegan Publisher founder, Mitali Deypurkaystha, announces the winner of the book publishing package giveaway to celebrate Veganuary’s ‘Choose Chicken-Free Week.’

GATESHEAD, UK, 3 Apr 2023

As part of Veganuary’s “Choose Chicken-Free Week,” The Vegan Publisher offered, at no cost, a complete book consulting and publishing package to one deserving charity or nonprofit in the plant-based health, animal welfare, climate or sustainability sectors.

Mitali explains, “This was our way of spotlighting an incredible organisation doing valuable work that may not have the expertise to write and publish a book. We wanted to work with them to create a book perfect for them and their needs. Once published, they can leverage their book to dramatically increase their cause’s visibility, attract media attention, donors, grants and strategic partnerships.”

The winner of the book publishing giveaway is Renee King Sonnen, founder and Executive Director of Rowdy Girl Sanctuary.

Renee’s journey started in 2014 after witnessing the cruel fate of baby calves in Texas cattle country. Now, she inspires farms and ranches to transition to compassionate, animal cruelty-free enterprises. Rowdy Girl Sanctuary is the first documented beef cattle ranch vegan conversion in history.

“I’ve been ‘writing’ this book for four years,” says Renee. I thought I needed a ghostwriter, but what I really needed was to consult my spirit within and start writing. That spirit led me to work with The Vegan Publisher, and my heart and soul knows that this is how my book should go.”

As featured in the upcoming Rowdy Girl documentary, Renee’s current work to inspire a transition from chicken farming to mushroom farming is truly revolutionary.

“It’s why I felt compelled to choose Renee out of all the deserving entrants,” says Mitali. After all, the book publishing giveaway was to celebrate Choose Chicken-Free Week. With leaders like Renee, we can envision a future where we no longer need Veganuary to motivate us to leave chickens off our plate.”

She adds, “Stories have the power to change the world, and Renee’s story is exceptional – it’s an honour to help her write and publish her book.”

The Vegan Publisher specialises in working with vegan/plant-based, ethical, sustainable, responsible, cruelty-free, eco-conscious, social entrepreneurs and B-corporation leaders. Books are published under the Let’s Tell Your Story Publishing imprint to offer flexibility to authors whose books may not be for a vegan audience.

Using a hybrid publishing model, The Vegan Publisher provides programs and services to help vegan and ethical experts write an authority-building book and become published authors within three to six months (even if they have zero writing experience).

All books published through the Let’s Tell Your Story Publishing imprint are the same high-quality standards as larger, mainstream publishers like Hachette or Penguin. However, unlike most traditional publishers, authors retain ownership and creative control of their books.

“I love giving people the opportunity to put their mission, movement and message on the map,” says Deypurkaystha. “If enough vegans, like Renee, write attention-grabbing books, the screams to end cruelty to humans, animals and our planet will become too loud to be ignored.”



The Vegan Publisher is a book consulting company created in 2021 that helps vegan experts, business owners and C-suite executives to write authority-building books and become published authors.

Let’s Tell Your Story Publishing is the imprint through which books are published. This offers flexibility to vegan authors whose books may not be on the topic of veganism.

The Vegan Publisher uses a hybrid publishing model, which combines the quality and high standards of traditional publishing with flexibility and creative control for authors.


Mitali Deypurkaystha is an experienced vegan book consultant, publisher, author and keynote speaker.

This wasn’t her parents’ first choice of career for her. As the firstborn child of Indian/Bangladeshi immigrants arriving in the north of England, she was expected to become a medical doctor.

Mitali’s destiny was sealed at the age of 16 when she won a scriptwriting scholarship at a summer school in Edinburgh, Scotland. She fell in love with writing and even contributed to an episode of the long-running UK soap opera Brookside. At that moment, she knew medicine was no longer her future.

While addiction and weight issues took her away from writing for several years, over the past 25 years, Mitali gained a wealth of life experience working in various industries and organisations, including traditional media, digital marketing, recruitment, the National Health Service (NHS) and Her Majesty’s Prison Service.

In 2015, she became a leading copywriter and ghostwriter, authoring seven business books that generated over $6.5 million in additional revenue for her clients.

Three years later, she started a book consulting and publishing company, Let’s Tell Your Story. In 2021 she renamed the umbrella company The Vegan Publisher, keeping the Let’s Tell Your Story Publishing imprint.

An ethical vegan of 10 years, Mitali is the author of The Freedom Master Plan: Put Your Mission, Movement and Message on the Map – For Vegan and Ethical Experts, Influencers and Entrepreneurs, a bestselling practical guide on how to leverage a business book to attract clients, increase profits and create additional streams of income.

She lives with her family in Gateshead, near Newcastle, in the UK.


Publisher website:







Mitali Deypurkaystha is available for interviews and guest articles.


Ph: +44 (0) 7450 596 026 (including WhatsApp)
